Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Write a Fight Scene 5 Simple Steps To Action-Filled Fights

How to Write a Fight Scene 5 Simple Steps To Action-Filled Fights How to Write a Fight Scene When tensions are high, honor is questioned, and lives may even be at stake, you know what time it is: time for a killer showdown. You’ve been building toward this explosive moment for pages, maybe your entire book, but now you come to a screeching halt - you have no idea how to write a fight scene!Fortunately, it’s not as complicated as you might think. Follow these 5 simple steps to write a fight scene that releases story tension, solves inter-character conflict, and satisfies the anxious expectations of your reader all at once. How to create a breath-stealing fight scene in just 5 steps Step 1. Motivate your playersWhen was the last time you saw someone start throwing punches out of nowhere? Probably never. Whether it’s over a lifelong grudge or a few heated words at a bar, people need believable motivation to start a fight in both real life and in fiction.Here are a few ideas to motivate your characters’ confrontations. Whichever you choose, use it as the catalyst for your fight scene, as well as to add the necessary layers of depth and complexity.SurvivalSurvival is an important motivation for any character, but especially for protagonists in horror and dystopian novels. For instance, Katniss in The Hunger Games has no choice but to attack and kill her fellow adolescent opponents if she wants to survive. However, this need to survive can escalate any physical fight, such as the gang rumbles in The Outsiders, where someone could pull out a knife at any moment. Just remember: for survival to be a credible character motivation, the situation has to be a bsolutely dire. Have you ever written a fight scene before? How did you do it? Comment below to add your own unique tips!

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